The Reality of Resistance: Strength and Sacrifice

As the genocide in Gaza continues, the gruesome methods of slaughter will intensify, the number of Palestinians martyred will increase and not everyone will be able to maintain the same resilience and conviction to support the need for armed resistance. While recognizing that the struggle towards liberation will be filled with hardships, we must never succumb to a defeatist attitude. When we speak about Palestinian Resistance, it is often cloaked in a mantle of glory, painting Freedom fighters as superhuman figures of unwavering strength.

This portrayal, while inspiring, can obscure the harsh realities of struggle and sacrifice that define true resistance. Resistance, despite its trials, embodies hope, resilience, and the unwavering belief that Palestine will be liberated and free from the Zionist settler colony. It is this spirit that sustains the fight against oppression and injustice, making the struggle and jihad for the sake of Allah (SWT) truly worthwhile. 

Armed Resistance for Liberation

We can empathize with the ongoing suffering and hardship faced by our families back home due to Zionist aggression and violence. Yet, we also recognize that true liberation for Palestine can only be achieved through resistance. No international communities, human rights organizations, or international courts of justice will intervene to tell the Zionist regime to stop annihilating the Palestinians, disarm, and 'co-exist.' Armed resistance is the only justified path towards liberation and freedom. Western media often attempts to influence our mindset toward defeatism. Therefore, it is essential to emphasize the need for resistance consistently and to maintain a positive attitude when discussing resistance within pro-Palestinian spaces.

The Fight against Zionism

We are engaged in a crucial struggle against the Zionist occupation both on the ground in Palestine and online on social media. Allowing ourselves to become an echo chamber of negativity and defeatism will undermine our efforts and cause people to abandon the Palestinian cause, viewing it as a "lost cause." One must recognize that the tone and attitude with which we express ourselves online are vital. We must focus on sharing content centering on the voices of our martyrs, our imprisoned, and our resistance. Through their example, we will follow as they lead the way toward complete liberation. This should not be overlooked or hidden but instead stressed and consistently shared to inspire and ignite continued support for the Palestinian cause everywhere.