A dictionary for Palestine.

It’s time to decolonize your vocabulary.



The language often used to describe the colonization of Palestine obscures the power imbalance between the settler colony of ‘Israel’ and Palestine. The portrayal of the genocide as a "war" or "conflict" between two equal parties argues that such descriptions fail to acknowledge the reality of the Israeli occupation's 75-year history of colonization and the systemic power dynamics at play.


Words like "occupation," "apartheid," and "genocide" are used to best describe the Zionist regime’s actions, emphasizing ‘Israel’ as an illegitimate settler colony imposing oppressive and brutal rule over the indigenous Palestinians. We must insist on recognizing Palestinians not merely as victims of occupation but as an indigenous population fighting for their ancestral lands against Zionism. We must insist on using terms that correctly reflect the severity and nature of Israel’s colonization accurately. 


The Palestinian resistance is not only a reaction to immediate military actions by ‘Israel’ but, more importantly, a struggle against an ongoing process of colonization and erasure. This resistance is a fight for survival and self-determination in the face of efforts to marginalize and displace Palestinians from their land. Palestinian resistance is justified and a natural response to the conditions of occupation and subjugation.

  • Armed resistance is legal.

    Did you know that armed resistance against an occupier is legal according to international law?

    Algeria fought a protracted war (1954-1962) against French colonial rule. The National Liberation Front (FLN) led armed resistance efforts against French forces, ultimately leading to Algeria's independence.

    The French colonized Algeria for 132 years

    980,000 to 1 million Algerians were killed.

  • The Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949

    The convention protects civilians in occupied territories and provides rights to resist occupation. Article 1 of the convention establishes protections for civilians, and Article 27 acknowledges the right of individuals to resist occupation.

    Vietnam resisted occupation by French colonial forces initially and later by Japanese forces during World War II. After the war, Vietnam fought against French colonial rule (First Indochina War, 1946-1954) and then against American and South Vietnamese forces (Vietnam War, 1955-1975).

    400,000 to 1 million Vietnamese soldiers and civilians were killed during the First Indochina War.

  • United Nations General Assembly

    The UN General Assembly has affirmed the legitimacy of struggles against colonial and foreign domination in Resolution 37/43 (1982), which recognizes the right of peoples to fight for self-determination, including armed struggle.

    United Nations

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