In commemoration of the Nakba in 1948, PDM is launching a month long campaign with the hashtag #EndTheNakba. This initiative is not merely about remembrance—it's a call to dismantle the structures of Zionist oppression that have perpetuated Palestinian ethnic cleansing.

The Nakba Never Ended

Scroll to learn more about the Nakba

First, let’s learn how

the Nakba happened?

Next, let’s understand

why does this matter now?

Scroll for more Nakba resources!

Learn more about the history of Zionist Colonization and the horrors of the Nakba Catastrophe in 1948.

Learn about Palestine, the Nakba, ethnic cleansing, and social justice through recommended non-fiction and historical books on the PDM reading list.

These works are great introductions to understanding Palestine. They include films about pre-nakba, post-nakba, and the creation of the Zionist regime in 1948.

Unearth diverse perspectives on Palestine through documentaries and films. Find movies on the PDM Watchlist covering the Nakba, Zionism, Palestinian love, pre-Nakba history, and daily life in Gaza.


It's been 76 years; it's time to


ENDORSE the #EndTheNakba


We, the Palestine Diaspora Movement (PDM), call on Palestinians and allies worldwide to unite for a global day of action on May 15, the anniversary of Al-Nakba. PDM is launching our campaign of #EndTheNakba to amplify the demands for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, lifting the siege, securing the right of return, dismantling Zionist colonization and achieving freedom for Palestinians, and, importantly, reminding the world of Al-Nakba's history.

May 15 commemorates the Nakba of 1948, where violent Zionist terrorist gangs expelled Palestinians from their homes, forcing them to either be confined by the 1948 borders decided by British colonizers or face continued violence at the hands of brutal Zionist terror gangs.

Al Nakba, meaning catastrophe, is commemorated on May 15. In our eyes, the Nakba never ended; as time went on, Zionists violently continued to take Palestinian land, forcing natives out of the country to solidify the settler colony of Israel. Today, we see the full force of this violence in the siege and ongoing genocide in Gaza, and increased violence against Palestinians in the occupied territories. 

We ask our people in the diaspora and our allies, along with pro-Palestinian organizations, collectives, and coalitions, to flood the streets on May 15 for the ‘Nakba Global Day of Action’ in support of the Palestinian people, reminding the world that the Nakba is still ongoing. We call on you to organize actions in your local communities, pressure politicians on all levels, mobilize media channels, organize social media storms including influencers and others, release statements in solidarity, host teach-ins within your area with students and associations, and issue public demands to your governments to apply sanctions against the settler colony of Israel. 

The PDM team is curating a list of protests worldwide on May 15. We encourage you to fill out the Google form below with the actions that are taking place so we can add them to our protest listing page. We implore you to find your local protest and share details amongst your community to ensure we have the maximum impact. 

It’s been over 200 days of genocide, 200 too many; we need to continue mobilizing and pressuring governments to take action. We will continue to amplify the call of the Palestinian people in Gaza! By raising their demands for a permanent and lasting ceasefire, halting all arms sales to Zionist 'Israel,' lifting the siege on Gaza and allowing for the free flow of life-saving aid, ending zionist colonization and occupation, and securing the Palestinian right to self-determination and right to return to our homelands. 

Freedom, liberation, and return!

Until then, in solidarity,

Palestine Diaspora Movement

To add your organization’s signature, fill out the form here.



March for Al Nakba

Strike for Palestine Nakba Day

Nakba 76: Resistance Until Return

Nakba Day: All Out for Gaza

Nakba Day Action

All Out for Al Nakba

Nakba 76 Resilience Until Return

Nakba Day: All Out for Gaza

Texas-Wide Protest Nakba Day

European March in Brussels for a Free Palestine

Free Them All! Free Palestine!

Anti-Chevron Day: From Richmond to Palestine





New Orleans



















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Take our course

Palestine 101

We’ve created a simple crash course covering all the information you need about Palestine. Our mission with this crash course series is to unapologetically educate the world about the oppressive reality faced by Palestinians stemming from the genocidal Zionist enterprise and its ongoing settler colonialism.

Our ultimate goal is not just to share the truth but to pave the path for Palestinians to return home to a decolonized, liberated homeland.