I Mimi Betadam I Mimi Betadam


IDF stands for the Israel Defense Forces, which is the military organization responsible for the defense of the the zionist settler colony of State of Israel, it encompasses the 'Israeli' Army, Navy, and Air Force. In Palestinian discourse, we call them IOF which stands for Israeli Occupation Forces, as we do not recognize the 'state of israel'.

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F Mimi Betadam F Mimi Betadam

From the River to the Sea

This phrase is a call to freedom for all Palestinians and their lands from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. It is not a call for death, destruction, or hatred towards Jewish people, contrary to Zionist beliefs. Palestinians living between the river and the sea are heavily restricted in their movement within and beyond the border of the Zionist state, and this phrase is simply calling for freedom, equality, and liberation for Palestinians.

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S Mimi Betadam S Mimi Betadam

Settler Colony

According to Cornell Law School, the concept of settler colonialism can be defined as a system of oppression based on genocide and colonialism, that aims to displace a population of a nation (oftentimes indigenous people) and replace it with a new settler population. In the context of Palestine, settler colonialism refers to the ongoing process of establishing and expanding illegal "Israeli" settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, including the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Syrian Golan Heights. It involves the displacement and dispossession of Palestinians from their land, resources, and livelihoods, while promoting the demographic and political dominance of Jewish "Israelis" in those areas.

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Z Mimi Betadam Z Mimi Betadam

Zionist ‘Settlers’

A Zionist settler is a person who moves to and resides in a new area that causes forced displacement of an indigenous population, with the intention of establishing a permanent community.

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P Mimi Betadam P Mimi Betadam

Palestinian Freedom Fighters

Palestinian Freedom Fighter is someone who takes part in the Palestinian struggle to achieve political freedom for themselves or for others, often against the zionist oppressive regime and colonial power. They typically engage in resistance movements, which can include both nonviolent protest and armed resistance, aiming to achieve liberation and self-determination.

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B Mimi Betadam B Mimi Betadam

Blockade on Gaza

A blockade is a military strategy employed by the Zionist regime that prevents aid, goods, supplies, or people from entering or leaving Gaza, typically to weaken Gaza and to force a surrender. Did you know that part of this blockade made it illegal to import chocolate, paper, crayons, and other items essential for children's education and well-being?

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Z Mimi Betadam Z Mimi Betadam


A colonial movement founded in the 1880s by European Jews who sought to forcibly establishing a Jewish-majority state ("Israel") in Palestine. The demand to engineer and maintain a Jewish majority in Palestinian land is considered to be the root cause of the oppression and violnce since the occupation.

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B Mimi Betadam B Mimi Betadam


The BDS movement (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) is a global campaign promoting various forms of boycott against Israel until it complies with international law and Palestinian rights.

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R Mimi Betadam R Mimi Betadam

Right to Resistance

International law recognizes the right of people living under occupation to resist their occupiers. This includes the Palestinian right to resist occupation. However, in practice, when Palestinians exercise this right, they often face severe vengeance. The IOF's various responses have included indiscriminate bombing, collective punishment, and ethnic cleansing, and in the case of Gaza from the end of 2023 to today, a genocide, creating a harsh reality that contradicts the principles of international law.

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R Mimi Betadam R Mimi Betadam

Right of Return

Refers to the principle that Palestinians who have been forcefully displaced from their homeland have the right to return to it, reclaim their property, and live there as free, liberated and protected citizens.

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D Mimi Betadam D Mimi Betadam


A group of people who have been forced to flee their country because of persecution, war, or violence, and who have a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group.

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Q Mimi Betadam Q Mimi Betadam

Qassam Brigades

The military wing of Hamas, which is most noticable for the resistance work they do in Gaza and the rest of Palestine. The name Qassam goes back to the Syrian Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam who was martred in Jinen, Palestine in 1935.

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O Mimi Betadam O Mimi Betadam

Occupation of Palestine

Occupation refers to the full control and governance of Palestine by the settler colony of "Israel", often involving the administration of the local population and resources.

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N Mimi Betadam N Mimi Betadam


Nakba, meaning "catastrophe" in Arabic, refers to the forced displacement and dispossession of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes and land in 1948 leading to the establishment of the state of Israel.

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M Mimi Betadam M Mimi Betadam


In Arabic, the term "Shaheed" translates to "witness." In Islam, a martyr is someone who dies for a noble cause, such as defending their country or faith. Over time, non-Muslims, such as Arab Christians, have also begun to use the term to refer to their own martyrs. Christians killed by the Zionist entity are also considered martyrs by the Palestinian Christian community.

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I Mimi Betadam I Mimi Betadam


Islamophobia is the irrational indoctrinated fear, prejudice, or hatred of Islam and Muslims, often leading to discrimination, hostility, or violence against them. Two prominent and illogical waves of Islamaphobia were after September 11, 2001, and throughout the Palestinian genocide in 2023-2024 (currently).

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P Mimi Betadam P Mimi Betadam

Palestinian Liberation

The act or process of seeking and achieving Palestinian freedom, equality, and justice, especially from the settler colony of "Israel" and the Zionist regime.

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I Mimi Betadam I Mimi Betadam


Islam is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion based on the teachings of the Quran, emphasizing the oneness of Allah SWT, the prophethood of Muhammad SAW, and the importance of submission to the will of Allah alone and not associating with any partners.

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I Mimi Betadam I Mimi Betadam


Intifada translates to 'uprising'. For Palestinians, Intifada refers to a civil uprising against a brutal and genocidal occupation. The First Intifada began in December of 1987 and started in the Jabalia Refugee Camp in Gaza. This included non-violent protest, civil disobedience, and Palestinians refusing to go to work in 'Israel' or for their 'Israeli' employers. The Second Intifada started in 2000 and lasted almost 5 years.

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H Mimi Betadam H Mimi Betadam


Hamas stands for "Islamic Resistance Movement" in Arabic. Hamas politically controls Gaza and was created to pursue an armed struggle against their Zionist occupiers.

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