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Al Aqsa Intifada
The Al-Aqsa Intifada, which lasted from September 2000 to February 2005, was a Palestinian uprising driven by deep frustrations with Zionist colonization and failed ‘peace’ talks.
Over the course of 4 years, more than 4,464 Palestinians were murdered, including 1,262 children, 274 women, and 32 medical personnel. Additionally, over 9,800 Palestinians were taken as hostages. The uprising left 47,440 people injured, 10,000 of whom were children.
In terms of property destruction, over 5,000 homes were demolished, and 6,500 more were damaged beyond repair. This intifada symbolized the Palestinian struggle against occupation and injustice.

The Oslo Accords of 1993
Being driven by a desire for power and blinded by the illusion of diplomatic progress, the signing of Oslo Accord I in 1993 marked the moment when the Palestinian Liberation Organization, under Yasser Arafat, recognized “Israel” becoming a puppet to the occupation. The accord, driven by secret talks in Norway and heavily influenced by Western interests, was fundamentally flawed from the start. "Israel" sought international legitimacy while continuing the illegal occupation of Palestinian land. The accord was brokered by the U.S. President Bill Clinton.

Are we stuck? It’s time to escalate!

Intersectionality of Oppression

Islam and Palestine
Islam is inseparable from the Palestinian identity, yet it does not exclude solidarity among Palestinians of other faiths. When families in Gaza face the loss of loved ones, they perform the Janaza prayer, seeking solace in the belief that martyrs are not dead but alive with their Lord, as described in the Quran: "Do not consider those who are slain in the path of Allah as dead; rather, they are alive and well-provided for by their Lord." (Quran 3:169).
However, the Zionist settler regime has imposed severe restrictions on the practice of Islam, particularly in accessing Masjid Al-Aqsa, the third holiest site in Islam. These restrictions are not just about limiting access to a place of worship but are part of a broader attempt to dominate and erase Palestinian presence in their own land.

Zionists are Pushing for a Rape Revolution

The Naksa of 1967
The 1967 Naksa, or “setback,” was an attempt by the settler colony of “Israel” to brutally finish the job of the 1948 Nakba. We call it “setback” as it was instrumental in “Israel’s” violent land grab of what was left of historical Palestine including the West Bank and Gaza Strip and the additional territory of the Golan Heights in Syria and Sinai in Egypt, resulting in “Israel” tripling in size (27,000 sq km).

Demands Beyond A Ceasefire
We demand that the violent and brutal onslaught on the people of Gaza be halted immediately, as well as the complete cessation of arms exports to the Zionist entity.
Our right to self-autonomy and self-determination is non-negotiable. We stand against settler colonialism and advocate for justice beyond a ceasefire.

The Nakba Never Ended
The colonization of Palestine is a result of Zionism, a settler colonial project intent on the displacement, dispossession and destruction of native Palestinian life and land to establish a Zionist colony through ethnic cleansing and genocide. Through political and academic maneuvering, Zionism works to enact nearly a century of genocidal violence against Palestinians by claiming exclusive Jewish ‘rights’ to the land and making Native Palestinians out to be interlopers through their slogan “A land without a people for a people without a land.” As such, it’s important for us to recenter the Palestinian experience and narratives to counter Zionist propaganda that has resulted in a century of trauma and violence.