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Never Trust A Zionist Ceasefire
After 15 months of brutal genocide, the Zionist enemy accepted the same ceasefire terms that Hamas proposed 8 months ago, with nothing to show for it. None of the goals of the “Israeli” regime were accomplished. Netanyahu was forced to concede to the deal because he suffered a humiliating loss.
“Israel” failed to secure the return of all hostages or dismantle Hamas both as a political party and a military regime. The notion of eradicating Hamas proved to be futile because it is not just a group but an enduring idea that cannot be killed. Contrary to their objectives, resistance has gained the support of people worldwide.

Demands Beyond A Ceasefire
We demand that the violent and brutal onslaught on the people of Gaza be halted immediately, as well as the complete cessation of arms exports to the Zionist entity.
Our right to self-autonomy and self-determination is non-negotiable. We stand against settler colonialism and advocate for justice beyond a ceasefire.